




Chely Wright
Single White Female

Chely Wright - Single White Female
1400 ⨯ 1400 2 274 370 Bytes
Year:  1999
Type:  Album
Genre:  Country
Style:  Country-Pop
Producers:  Tony Brown
Buddy Cannon
Norro Wilson
Recording Places:  "Sound Stage Studios" in Nashville, Tennessee, USA
"Emerald Sound Studios" in Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Mastering Place:  "Masterfonics" in Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Language:  English
Links:  AllMusic
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It's hard to imagine a more convincing album cover for the title "Single White Female." Hats off to whoever was responsible for it. The sexy dress, that naturally tense pose, and finally her eyes invite you to join her on a couch. What the barnacles is wrong with this world? How can this spanking fine woman be single? What kind of music can you expect to find beneath such cover? The classy country-pop with clever lyrics for people wearing earrings in their ears, and not in their belly-buttons.


Label:  MCA Records Nashville
Catalog:  MCAD-70052
Release Year:  1999
Total Playing Time:  38:43


# Title Time
1 Single White Female 3:18
2 She Went Out for Cigarettes 4:14
3 It Was 3:51
4 Unknown 3:41
5 The Love That We Lost 4:03
6 The Fire 3:06
7 Picket Fences 4:07
8 Some Kind of Somethin' 4:00
9 Rubbin' It In 3:44
10 Why Do I Still Want You 4:39

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